Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion

Ship Breakers, a disturbing look into the dark side of the shipping industry

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As an industry media organization we distribute content that companies want you to see, content about product launches, new services, key appointments and the list goes on. The glamour, size and spectical of the shipping industry is also highlighted through promotional videos and images, and as industry professionals we feel proud to be associated with such an industry.

One of our most watched videos is an amazing time lapse video produced by the discovery channel where they film the largest ship in the world being built, we must admit, the video is spectacular.

So lets take away all the hype and glamour and ask the question, what happens to these ships once they end their days of service?

The answer is probably not what you expected. If you have heard the term “Ship Breaking” then you will know what we are talking about, if you haven’t then this is it in a nut shell.

A large number of used ships from around the world are sent to developing countries like China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Turkey where they are systematically broken down by the cheap labor hired by these ship breakers. Workers are not trained, they are not supplied PPE and they get paid about $1 per day to work 12 hours every day, 7 days a week.

Fatalities are all too common, serious injuries are normalized and children have also been discovered working in these ship yards, however the excuse of ship yard management is that these children are employed by outside contractors. same day delivery manila

To give you an understanding regarding costs, ships are purchased for around USD $5 million and it is estimated that the sale of the scrap metal for each ship totals around USD $10 million.

In an effort to regulate and provide some sort of support for ship yard workers a meeting was recently held between ship yard management, the unions and government officials. The objective was to come up with practical solutions that would provide workers with better working conditions.

The meeting ended in smiles and handshakes, however it is hard to believe ship yards will take the outcomes seriously.

This video will provide you with an insight into the Ship Breaking Industry, we urge you to watch it then provide your comments below: